Art of Freedom
“Art of Freedom” features works by Golden Belt Artists Andrea Carter/Ngozi Designs/ Tiffany Coley/Tiffany Coley Artisan Jewelry, Kevin J. Harrell/KJH Bowties & Accessories, and Nadia Phillips/African American The Beautiful Co.
The exhibit includes works by these artists as an exploration and celebration of the Juneteenth Holiday. As independent artists, the work explores the various expressions of art mediums. Collectively, the exhibit showcases the imagination, history and triumph of Black artists, as they are free to create, free to learn and free to teach.
Join us for the exhibit opening during our Third Friday reception on Friday, June 17th, 6-9 pm, Golden Belt Campus, 800 Taylor Street, Durham, NC 27701. Free and open to the public.
The exhibit runs through the end of June.